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Saturday, May 17, 2008

Praise the Lord!

Just as he said he would, Fuzz called at 8:30 this morning. Good news, I tested negative for the c. Diff bacteria. He's not sure why my bowels have gone into overdrive, but we've ruled out c. diff, which can get really serious in some cases. I'm still having some issues, but feeling better today than I have all week. I even took Andrew and his friend to a party this morning and then went and got the oil changed in the van. I'm slowly but surely returning to life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Hi! I am so proud of you and the commitment you have made. I too have struggled my whole life with weight lose and have tried many diets. I have had varied success, but nothing has had any lasting effects. I have seriously considered the lap band, but have been afraid of the reaction I would get from other people and my ability to succeed. I even contacted my insurance company back in December to see if they would cover this type surgery. Anyway, I want to encourage you in any way that I can. I know the the Lord has already used in mighty ways and will continue to do so through this journey. I would like to ask you some more specific questions, but I'm not sure if this is the right formum. You can contact me at tctimes4@yahoo.com. In Christ, Terry C.