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Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Pre-Op Life

I'm having surgery on Monday, May 12. Two weeks before surgery, I was required to go on a very strict diet. Here is my daily allotment:

2 Protein Shakes made with Skim Milk
2-3 Servings Raw or Cooked Vegetables
1 small piece of fruit or 3 oz. apple sauce
Sugar Free Jello
1 Serving of Low Fat Light Yogurt
1 Serving of Sugar Free Oatmeal or Cream of Wheat
(1) 4 oz. serving of very lean meat

I'm not gonna lie, it's been tough. It gets very boring eating the same 7 things every single day. The hardest time was last week during "Sharathon" at the radio station. There was delicious food everywhere, all day long! But, thank GOD, I did not cheat even ONCE! I really am addicted to food. I've even had dreams of eating a McDonalds Cheeseburger and French Fries!

I got lucky, though. I was supposed to be on the pre-surgery diet for 3 weeks, but due to a scheduling issue my Doctor had to move the surgery up a week. What an answered prayer that was! The good news is that I've already lost about 8 pounds after being on the diet for 10 days, that's 8 pounds closer to my goal. Yipee!


Jenna said...


I will be praying for you and your family. I know what a scary yet exciting time this is for all of you. My mother had gastric bypass over 3 years ago. She struggled all of her life with her weight and her health. Since her surgery she has lost a lot of weight and is now much healthier! More power to ya and look out skinny girls-Here comes Tami with an I!

Thanks for being such a blessing each and every morning!


Tami said...

Thank you SO MUCH Jenna! I really appreciate your kind words and support!

Anonymous said...

Hola Tami! I read your daily menu and I've got to tell you, you go girl! When I lived in Jersey I got an ulcer(imagine that). I had to be on this horrid diet for like two weeks. I thought if I have to eat anymore Jello and sauceless pasta, I might just have to live with the ulcer. Well, after that I had to give up eating certain things that I just loved and that was not fun. But in the end it was a better trade off. I know you'll be just fine. I will not only pray for a speedy recovery and a safe procedure, but that God will help you deal with all the changes you'll undoubtedly be facing. Thanks for all you do and Feliz Dia de Las Madres!

Tami said...

Hola, Senora!

Thank you for your support, encouragement and prayers. I can do all things through Him who gives me strength!!

God Bless!